Child-parent relationship therapy (CPRT)
I maintain a particular interest in attachment -focused therapy. My work is a collaborative approach between the family, the child/adolesecent, the therapist and where applicable the school to effectively engage in various different strategies, activities and dialogues to encourage growth and repair building towards a positive change in the relationships and behaviours.
Child-Parent Relationship Therapy is a play-based treatment program for young children presenting with behavioral, emotional, social, and attachment concerns. At the heart of CPRT is the premise that a secure parent child relationship is the essential factor for children's well-being.
The goal of CPRT is to strengthen the quality of the parent-child attachment bond as a means of reducing child behavior problems and stress in the parent-child relationship. CPRT was developed for children ages 3- 10 years but has been adapted for use with toddlers and pre-adolescents.
Child-Parent Relationship Therapy is a structured, supportive group programme for parents and carers delivered by qualified and experienced Play Therapists. The group provides a therapeutic environment for parents to explore the difficulties they are having with their children and learn skills to respond more effectively to their children's emotional and behavioural concerns.
Training is provided to small groups of parents and carers, in ten weekly sessions of two hours each. The course is delivered through a mixture of presentations, video clips, group discussions, demonstration and skills practice, including discussion and debrief of the play sessions carried out at home.
Parents are taught
to identify and respond to their children’s feelings
to use reflective listening skills
to set effective limits, and
to enhance their children’s self esteem.
CPRT is a well-researched parenting model with numerous studies investigating its effectiveness. Overall research indicates that CPRT is effective in reducing children's behavior problems and decreasing parental stress (Bratton et al., 2010). Specifically, studies show CPRT's efficacy across a variety of issues and populations
CPRT can also be provided on a one-to-one basis to individuals or couples.
Please get in touch if you would like more information, or to discuss whether this approach will be suitable for you and your family.
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