GDPR Privacy Notice.
At Plays2talk I take the confidentiality of my clients seriously and comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
What data do I hold?
Clients personal details
Contact details for parents/ guardians or advocates.
Clients therapeutic notes and assessments.*
Any correspondence related to the therapy.
*Private therapeutic notes are always kept separately and securely from any contact information.
Storing the data?
All paper data is kept in a locked filing cabinet and all electronic data held on a password protected hard-drive.
All data is kept in relation to the specific therapy requested and is retained for 7 years from the date of the last treatment. Under no circumstances do I share any personal details with a third party unless legally obliged to do so. Assessments are shared if there is reasonable cause to do so in the therapeutic interests of the client, and only with consent. Any information that is shared is done so directly and securely using password protection.
Before the commencement of treatment a consent form must be signed by the person holding legal guardianship.
Samantha Boyle is a member of the British Association of Play Therapists and their privacy notice can be found at: http://BAPT/Privacypolicy
Child Protection Policy:
As a therapeutic play therapist I recognise my responsibility to safeguard the welfare of all children and young people.
I recognise that:
ü The welfare of the child/young person is paramount
ü All children regardless of age, disability, gender, racial heritage, religious belief, sexual orientation or identity have the right to equal protection from all types of harm or abuse.
ü Working in partnership with children, young people, their parents, carers and other agencies are essential in promoting young people’s welfare.
I hold a current DBS certificate registered with
I hold a certificate in Safeguarding children
I follow the BAPT safeguarding guidelines found at:
Complaints Procedure:
If you have a concern or complaint about Samantha Boyle and you feel you are unable to talk to Samantha directly you can gain information and/or follow the complaints procedure from the BAPT website:
Within the school setting Plays2talk will adhere to the schools guidelines for Safeguarding, Child Protection Policy and will work closely with the SENCo or the identified person responsible for Safeguarding.
Will also familiarise and adhere to the schools Data protection policy and Health and Safety requirements.